Friday, June 20, 2014

[140620] Dara's Twitter & Instagram Update!

천둥이가 해외출장 간사이 둥이방을 차지했다~~~ >.< 여기 좋은게 많아요!!! 운동기구도 있고 곡작업할때쓰는 악기들과 마이크까지.. 오오오 내 세상이구만 ㅋㅋ 둥이가 비행기에서 내려서 이사진을 보면 놀라겠지.. ^_^v 누나야~ #다라 #천둥 #사이좋은남매

I occupied Doongie’s room as he’s in Kansai for foreign trip~ A lot of things are good here! There are sports equipments, instruments when he’s working on song and even mic.. oh oh oh its my world ㅋㅋ Doong’s on the plane Doong will be shocked when he see this pic as he get out of the plane.Its nuna #Dara #Cheondung #siblingswithGoodRelationship

Source: Dara's Twitter (@krung21) & Instagram (@daraxxi)

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